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National Service Log book 06-09-19

National Service Log Book

June 9, 2019

Called to order at 20:32 EST

1. Roll Call

Evil Present

Red Present

Dotson Present

Psych Present

Vato settling in with move

Swagg sited prior engagement

Kush Present

Bum on honeymoon!

Kisler sited prior engagement

Guest: Slac Paleto Bay President, Luuti Pillbox Vice President 

2. Major Points


b. No more cliques don't play with just a certain 3 member's, if you do IGN is hiring c. ASSHOLE ALERT should be posted in chat as so if you need help don't start shit 

d. Red Dead is having updates this summer along with character builds, should be interesting

e. Fitty is doing a great job at the sites revamp no excuse to not read the BYLAWS

3. Dotson (National Vice President) Report

a. Agrees with table, its a good thing because he not killing you!!

4. Psych (National Warlord) Report

a. Goes over how someone needed help and we weren't there this is GKMC psych and this table will expect our member back us up, 

b. practice to ride bikes in a proper formation

5. Red (Presidential Advisor) Report

a. joking around about his wiener 

6. Kush (National Officer) Report

a. Officers will do a weekly report of Service each week and upload it here on our site! Looking forward to future DLCs and will help member on any game learn the basics and help out

7. Slac (President) Paleto Bay Charter Report

a. If you call a asshole alert don't let other fight your battles follow gorilla is they are present

b. Stay close to members its hard to help if were spread out especially on RDR horses are slow

c. organizing more events for Paleto

8. Luuti (Vice President) Pillbox Hill Charter Report

a. Wants to make flyers and start more recruitment for pillbox charter 

9. Membership Review

a. Evil puts forward a motion to recommend Gunslinger (formerly venom) for full patch member

b. Table voted unanimously in favor of the motion for Gunslinger to get his patch.

c. Gunslinger not present to accept patch at service, table is currently reaching out to him.

10. Other games being played by GKMC

a. Division II (Dotson), Seven Days to Die (Psych), Red Dead Redemption, Fallout 76 (Kush). What game do you enjoy?

7. Upcoming Events

a.  Fitty wants to do a Photo contest with a cash reward!! There's a buy in but if you can't afford it members will sponsor you (what a lovely bunch XD). More details to come.

Called adjourned at 20:58 EST

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