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Motorcycle Club

Roles and Responsibilities



The Silverbacks are the top of the food chain, mostly consisting of national table members. These are the founders. The Silverbacks of a motorcycle club are the person or persons that start a particular chapter within the group in many cases. If a Silverback is active in the chapter they will be considered an advisor to President and have the same duties as a President. The Silverback always has a vote in all officer elections. In the event that a member meets the quietly held requirements of being a Silverback, he or she must be voted in unanimously by all active Silverbacks.



The President is the Chairman of the executive committee and also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the chapter. All matters between the club and any outside organization, business or other persons are brought to the President for him to take action on. If the President is not available to attend a chapter meeting, the Vice-President shall serve as the Chairman. The President does not make motions or second any motions and he can only vote on actions where he would make a tie vote or break a tie vote. The President acts as a personal representative of the club and is able to judge items that are not in the charter's rules. He is a liaison between other motorcycle clubs, public relations, and law enforcement. He represents the club in any business contracts and promotes the club life among members and family members.


In our crew the Chapter President responsibilities include, but aren't limited to:

  • Leads a crew of no more than 35 in day to day life

  • Be available and approachable to every member of their crew

  • The last stop before the National Table

  • Leads their crew in rides

  • Keeps players interested and motivated

  • Holds meetings with their table, and possibly with their crew

  • Holds meetings with National Table

  • Reports directly to National President

  • Directs their table to achieve desired results

  • Maintains their crew chat and keeps it active

  • Assist with admin for their crew

  • Lead session if the highest ranking member in the lobby



The Vice-President supervises plans for club events and coordinates the committees. He also relays information between the President and the Members of the chapter. Any questions, comments or concerns of other committee members are brought to the Vice-President's attention. The Vice-President is the second in command underneath the President and he assumes all the duties of the President in his absence.


In our crew the Chapter Vice President responsibilities include, but aren't limited to:

  • Assists leading a crew of no more than 35 in day to day life

  • Assists the President in their duties, and is responsible for the crew in the president's absence

  • Be available and approachable to every member of their crew

  • The last stop before the Chapter President

  • Keeps players interested and motivated

  • Attends and nay host meetings with their table, and possibly with their crew

  • Attends meetings with National Table

  • Reports directly to Chapter President and the National Vice President

  • Directs their table to achieve desired results

  • Helps maintain the crew chat and keeps it active

  • Assist with admin for their crew

  • Mediates any escalated issues and helps alleviate pressures by handling situations before bringing them to the President

  • If the issue involves the President, the VP is responsible for taking appropriate actions and speaking with the National President and National Vice President

  • Lead session if the highest ranking member in the lobby



The Warlord makes certain to uphold all the laws and rules of the club. He ensures that all the committee orders are carried out as quickly as possible and he keeps order at all club events. If he sees any member acting in a way not supported by the Club, he reports it to the committee. The Warlord is in charge of stripping patches and colors from members who are removed from the club by retiring, resigning or being impeached or expelled. The Warlord defends and protects the club members and prospects and is directly responsible for their security and safety. He keeps records of data that relates to the club security. If he sees any type of threat or perceived threat to the club in any manner, he will bring it to the attention of the Executive Committee for appropriate actions to be voted on. The Warlord keeps the clubs firearms and weapons in safekeeping.


In our crew the Warlord responsibilities include, but aren't limited to:

  • Assists leading National Table in day to day life

  • Be available and approachable to every member of the crew

  • Run and maintain The Guerrillas

  • Maintains order in lobbies

  • Maintains order during service and meetings

  • Protects members during sales and missions

  • Handles aggressive randoms with good judgment

  • Keeps players interested and motivated

  • Attends meetings with their table, and possibly with their crew, and enforces the meeting decorum

  • Reports directly to National President

  • Assists their table to achieve desired results

  • Runs events and gun training

  • Lead session if the highest ranking member in the lobby



The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for ensuring that the Bylaws and Standing Rules of the club are not violated. He is responsible to ensure that the orders of the Executive Committee are carried out in an expeditious manner. He is responsible for policing and keeping order at all club events, except as noted under the Duties of the Chairman. He may conscript members to aid in keeping order on their own authority. He has the responsibility to the club to report any unseemly behavior of incident to the Executive Committee. He is responsible for securing any patches or colors from any member who retires, resigns, or is expelled. The SAA is responsible for the safety and security of the club, as well as the protection and defense of its members and prospects. He shall keep and maintain a record of all data pertinent to the safety and security of the club and our members and prospects. Upon becoming aware of any real or perceived threat to the club, its Members, Prospects, or events, he shall immediately notify the National Warlord of that information.


In our crew the Sergeant at Arms responsibilities include, but aren't limited to:

  • Assists leading a crew of no more than 35 in day to day life

  • Keeps players interested and motivated

  • Handles aggressive randoms with good judgment

  • Protects members during sales and missions

  • Maintains order during service and meetings

  • Maintains order in lobbies

  • Be available and approachable to every member of their crew

  • Attends meetings with their table, and possibly with their crew, and enforces the meeting decorum

  • May attend meetings with Warlord or Guerrillas

  • Reports directly to National Warlord and Chapter President

  • Assists their table to achieve desired results

  • Assists Warlord in gun training

  • Lead session if the highest ranking member in the lobby



The Enforcer makes certain that the club laws and rules are followed by all members. He protects all of the patch holders and protects the club’s reputation in any type of conflict. The Enforcer assists all members of the club in combat of any sort including any type of weapons or fist fights.


In our crew the Chapter Enforcer responsibilities include, but aren't limited to:

  • Ensures all Chapter and National bylaws and rules are enforced

  • Reports directly to National Enforcer and Chapter President

  • Attends meetings with their table, and possibly with their crew

  • Assists their table to achieve desired results

  • Keeps players interested and motivated.

  • Can and will kill members for repetitive rule breaking

  • Corrects issues in chat or sessions

  • The first stop for personal issues or crew related problems

  • Help maintain order and safety in a lobby

  • Lead session if the highest-ranking member in the lobby



The Road Captain plans all club runs and tells the Secretary of the plans for a run in advance. When he is on a run, he is the ranking officer if the President and Vice-President are not present and therefore leads the club formation on the ride. If the President is on the run, the Road Captain rides at the front of the group with the President. He is in charge of enforcing all club rules while on a run and he chooses a supervisor for maintenance on all the club vehicles while on a run.


In our crew the Road Captain responsibilities include, but aren't limited to:

  • Organize rides

  • Records rides and can fall out of formation for recording purposes

  • Formation locations

  • Vehicles allowed in rides

  • Plan out routes

  • Coordinate with Tailgunner

  • Coordinate with other crews in reference to rides

  • Own all bikes for people to test outOwn all approved vehicles for rides like vans

  • Lead formation when President or VP are absent

  • Help with riding skills

  • Help with learning formations

  • Leads the session if they are the highest-ranking member in the lobby



The Secretary of the club, also responsible for being the go-between for patched, prospects, and hangarounds with the table members. The Secretary is responsible for keeping all of the club records, written reports, and correspondence between outside organizations. He calls role at the committee meetings and takes notes on each meeting. He is also responsible to notify any members of special meeting times and dates other than the normally scheduled meetings. The Secretary is in charge of telling any members of an election or appointment if it was made while they were not present at a meeting. He maintains the constitution of the club noting any changes to it and handles all written club correspondence.


In our crew the Secretary responsibilities include, but aren't limited to:

  • Assists leading National Table

  • Be available and approachable to every member of the crew

  • Help maintain the Prospects and working with the sponsors

  • Maintains order in lobbies

  • Assists crew members in money making

  • Assists members during sales and missions

  • Keeps players interested and motivated

  • Attends meetings with their table

  • Reports directly to National President

  • Assists their table to achieve desired results

  • Keep up to date information for the website

  • Lead session if the highest ranking member in the lobby



The Treasurer keeps all the financial records of the club. He collects the income from all operations and is responsible for paying all the bills or expenses of the club while keeping written records. The Treasurer reports the club’s status on payments owed and due at each committee meeting to the members. He may also provide the committee with a written report of the financial status at the annual meetings. The Treasurer is also responsible for maintaining all of the club patches that are un-issued as well as a record of the patches and colors that each member has in their possession. The Treasurer collects all dues and fines from the club’s members.


In our crew the Treasurer responsibilities include, but aren't limited to:

  • Assists leading National Table

  • Be available and approachable to every member of the crew

  • Maintains order in lobbies

  • Assists members during sales and missions

  • Keeps players interested and motivated

  • Attends meetings with their table

  • Reports directly to National Treasurer

  • Assists their table to achieve desired results

  • Assists Officer with duties

  • Lead session if the highest ranking member in the lobby



The Tail Gunner assists the Road Captain on all runs. He rides at the very rear of the motorcycle formation and enforces all safety rules of the ride. If any member in the ride should have mechanical difficulties or crashes for any reason, the Tail Gunner assists them in making repairs to the bike or if need be, calls a tow truck to pick it up. The Tail Gunner is second in command to the Road Captain and assumes his responsibilities on a run if he is not available. A Tail Gunner provides eyes in the rear of the formation and usually carries a first aid kit in case it is needed on a run. He is responsible for carrying a tool kit in order to perform any mechanical repairs on motorcycles while on the road. He rides in an area so that motorists can see the formation of the entire club and is observant of rider’s conduct or road hazards that need reporting to the Road Captain when it is safe to do so. When the group is on a run and is getting ready to make a lane change, the Tail Gunner changes lanes first, then the Road Captain in the front, followed by the group. This keeps the group in its formation and allows them all to change lanes safely and together so motorists do not split the group up.


In our crew the Tailgunner responsibilities include, but aren't limited to:

  • Assists leading National Table

  • Helps organize rides

  • Records rides

  • Formation locations

  • Vehicles allowed in rides

  • Plan out routes

  • Coordinate with Road Captain

  • Own all approved vans

  • Trail formation assuring Hangarounds and Prospects are in line

  • Help with riding skills

  • Help with learning formations

  • Leads the session if they are the highest-ranking member in the lobby

Gorilla Kings Motorcycle Club

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